11 Unique cities, each with its own charm

11 Cities

Discover Friesland

Where on earth are cities smaller than villages? Only in Friesland. Our cities thank their title not to their size, but to their historic significance. These are the cities of the dreamers who show that you don't have to be the largest to stand out and the doers that prove that you don't have to be the richest to pursue your dreams. The eleven cities of Friesland are world famous, due to their historical significance and of course the Eleven Cities Tour. Every city has its own charm to discover on foot, by bike or by car.

11 Fountains

Each one unique!

The Elfstedentocht, the famous ‘eleven cities ice skating race’ on the frozen canals of Friesland, has been reinvented. That is 11Fountains. In 2018, eleven internationally renowned artists graced the eleven cultural-historic cities of Friesland with unique waterworks. Fog, ice, steam, sea water... Each city their own story. Discover the eleven fountains during your own Eleven Cities Tour. No ice required.