Populier 52

  • Max. 6 persons
  • 75 m²
  • No pets allowed
  • Wifi included
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 1 Parking spot


  • Located along the edge of the forest
  • Non-smoking
  • Pet-free

Living / Dinning Room

  • Sitting area with smart TV
  • Spacious dining area
  • Sliding doors to terrace


  • Terrace with furniture
  • Enclosed garden
  • Stone storage room


  • Bedroom 1 (downstairs): bunkbeds
  • Bedroom 2 (upstairs): two separate box-spring beds
  • Bedroom 3 (upstairs): two box-spring beds together


  • Open kitchen with dishwasher
  • Induction hob
  • Combi oven & microwave
  • Senseo & filter coffee machines


  • Downstairs bathroom with toilet, shower and washbasin
  • Washbasins in upstairs bedrooms
  • Arrival/Departure date
  • Selected
  • Not available
  • Offer

Populier 52

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Je kunt ons altijd gemakkelijk mailen of bellen wanneer de receptie geopend is

Maar bekijk ook onze veelgestelde vragen om te zien of jouw vraag er tussen staat.

Frequently asked questions

Is there internet available at the park?

Yes, there is good quality wifi in the bungalow. Our tourist guests can use it free of charge.

Are there accommodations available for disabled people?

There are no suitable accommodations for disabled people.

Can I reserve a bungalow with a special preference?

Yes, that is possible. When booking online via our "search & book" you can book your own favorite bungalow in Friesland in terms of furnishing, location, facilities etc. without extra costs. If you have specific wishes, you can always call us, we will gladly look at the possibilities with you.

Are pets allowed in the bungalows?

Pets are allowed in a number of accommodations. Pets are always on request. You must indicate this when you make your reservation, the park will process your request.

What are the reception opening hours?

Reception opening hours:

  • Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri 9:00 - 12:30 and 13:30 - 17:00
  • Wed/Sat 9:00 - 13:00
  • Closed on Sundays and public holidays
  • Outside office hours, we can be reached on tel. 0561-433 672 for very urgent matters that cannot wait until the next day.
  • (When it is very quiet, or very busy, the opening hours may differ from the above)